QTH Testimonials

This page displays 10 random testimonials submitted to QTH Hosting. REFRESH this page to see more testimonials.

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Great support that is always there for us. Could not ask for a better hosting provider.

Ken Florences, Cloud9ers Soaring

I appreciate your prompt attention and replies more than I can express. We feel very secure having our sites and domains hosted with you. It is quite a change from our previous web host, iPowerWeb. In fact, I never knew it could be this good!

Hal Hunter, Cheap QSLs

Service, support and functionality in general from QTH.com are truly top-notch and professional in every aspect. Customer support comes from real experience, while being refreshing and suprisingly responsive. Definitely a needle in a haystack.

Dan Simmonds KK3AN

I always receive a prompt response to my requests and questions, even on the holidays! QTH.com has the highest quality of service at the lowest price on the web, always going above and beyond the call of duty for me!

Jenny Williams

QTH Hosting is the best!

QTH Hosting is the best!

Add us to your list of satisfied customers. Everyone on our committee has noticed the speed improvement after we switched our site from GoDaddy to QTH!

Neil Rapp, Youth On The Air

Outstanding customer service and expert knowledge has been invaluable for our business -- consistently goes above and beyond our highest expectations!

James Edwards, A2Z Social Design

I've been using QTH.com for over 8 years now and have never had a single problem -- absolutely responsive and reliable. Domain purchasing is cheap and simple, DNS setup is very easy, and web & email hosting comes with more features than most will ever need.

Chris Haas

Hosting with QTH.com is like a having a buddy in the business. They've been spot on from the start with responsive, efficient, friendly service. That's why I've stuck for years with QTH.com!

Jeff K1NSS, creator of Dash! The Dog-Faced Ham

With other hosting services, you're lucky to get a person on the phone or even an e-mail response. Not so with QTH.COM. You may have any prospective customer call me up and I will personally vouch for you. This is the way web hosting should be done!

Jay Terleski, Array Solutions

QTH.com has been an amazing web host! Their expertise and support gave me the confidence to do my own website. I couldn't have done it without them. THANK YOU!

Sandy B.